
OfficialaccountfortheOpenSourceHardwareAssociation.ForspecificupdatesabouttheOpenHardwareSummitcheckout@ohsummit.,TheOpenSourceHardwareAssociation(OSHWA)fostersknowledgeencouragesresearchthat'saccessible,collaborative&respectsuserfreedom.,OpenHWGroupisanot-for-profit,globalorganizationdrivenbyitsmembersandindividualcontributorswherehardwareandsoftwaredesignerscollaborateon ...,Withamission...

OSHWA (Open Source Hardware Association)

Official account for the Open Source Hardware Association. For specific updates about the Open Hardware Summit check out @ohsummit.

Open Source Hardware Association community hub

The Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA) fosters knowledge encourages research that's accessible, collaborative & respects user freedom.

OpenHW Group

OpenHW Group is a not-for-profit, global organization driven by its members and individual contributors where hardware and software designers collaborate on ...

Open Source Hardware Association

With a mission to promote open science, innovation, and knowledge-sharing, the program empowers participants to create, document, and share their open designs ...


The Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA) aims to foster technological knowledge and encourage research that is accessible, collaborative and respects ...

Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA)

Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA). OSHWA uses its platform to hold regular summits and events to connect the Open Hardware community and educate those ...